Friday, March 8, 2013

Reflection on Action Research

After viewing and analyzing each scholar practitioner interview, and reading chapter two from Dana's Leading with Passion and Knowledge, I realized that action research is and should be an integral part of improving practices in the educational setting.  It should be viewed as a very important tool that should be utilized not only at the administrational level, but in the classroom as well.  Also, I learned that it is important to stay current on the latest research articles since they can become research based strategies that can be implemented within our campuses with the goal of replicating the same successes.  Finally, an important factor when conducting an action research project is that it must be practical and relevant to your current campus needs.  This will yield the greatest benefits since it will be of greater interest to the person conducting the research, and it will actually impact the students that they are currently serving.


  1. Nice blog. I agree with your idea that action research should be relevant. Also, staying current on issues that need research is surely a must for all administrators.

    Comment on my blog as well. I would appreciate and comments you might have.

    1. Thanks David, I am following your blog now.

  2. I think that is a great thought about action research being used in the class level as well as the administration level. I think that it can be used on all levels to monitor how we all do things and how we can make changes to do them better or add new things that we may not be doing in the first place.
