Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Action Research Draft

These past days, my thoughts, actions, readings, and yes...even dreams, have been filled with one thing:  ACTION RESEARCH!   After several days of editing, this seems to be my draft for my action research project.  I hope that I'm on the right track with my research activities.  Good thing about a draft is that it can always be improved, so any suggestions or recommendations are highly appreciated :)

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To assess the effectiveness of professional development amongst teachers in my campus, find out ways to make those sessions more meaningful, and identify the type of support needed for practices to be implemented with fidelity.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1.     Literature Review on professional development
Sheila Mata
March 2013-July 2013
Lamar Online Library
Review and identify literature that highlights key points of effective professional development
2.     Conduct teacher survey on perceptions of professional development
Sheila Mata
M. Ramos
May 1, 2013-May 31, 2013
Review surveys
3.     Create focus group for teacher discussions on professional development
Sheila Mata
M. Ramos
May 1, 2013-May 31, 2013
Team leaders for every grade level
Questionnaire on professional development
Field notes on focus group discussion.
4.     Attend Trainer of Trainers Workshops
Sheila Mata
M. Ramos
June 2013-August 2013
La Joya ISD Calendar of Summer Workshops
Identify key points of highly effective professional development in attended workshop
5.     Plan for summer staff development session using literature review on components of highly effective professional development
Sheila Mata
July 2013-August 2013
Material/content for staff development
Literature review
Review plan for staff development session and identify components mentioned in literature review.
6.     Conduct a staff development session
Sheila Mata
M. Ramos
August 1, 2013-August 30, 2013
Material/content for staff development
Evaluation form from teachers
7.     Obtain teacher evaluation of my staff development session
Sheila Mata
August 1, 2013-August 30, 2013
Staff development evaluation form
Collection and review of evaluation forms
8.     Monitor teachers implementation of learned content during staff development session and provide needed support
Sheila Mata
M. Ramos
August 2013-October 2013
Monitoring & Feedback form
Field notes on monitoring and discussion with teachers.
9.     Share project findings with administration
Sheila Mata
November 2013
Action Research
Power Point
Literature Review
Collect and review evaluation form on presentation


  1. Sheila: I think you have a great topic and your plan looks good. Like you said, it is a draft so you can make changes as needed. I am interested in seeing what staff development session you create/present and how it will be different from those that seem "a waste of time." On a side note, I've been having trouble figuring out how to navigate the online library to find articles on my topic. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. I liked that you included your literature review in your plan template. I think this is something I need to add to mine. Your plan looks very detailed and it gave me some ideas on how to revise my plan!! Thanks for posting your great ideas and I look forward to following you throughout your research.

  3. Great topic, and good work on your plan! I am sure that I will need to make tons of changes as I go. Looking forward to follow you!

  4. Like Tracey, I can’t wait to hear what your staff development topic will be! You have picked a great focus for your action research. We have all sat, pinned, or slept through some awful staff development hours. I am sure the teachers on your campus will appreciate you taking an interest in what would be useful for them! Good luck to you! I look forward to reading more!

  5. I think this is a great idea for your action research study. As like most campuses I'm sure, staff developments on my campus seem to be a huge waste of time for the most part. I feel like most information is read off of slides that I could have read myself. Creating a focus group sounds like a great idea to try and enhance staff development. If ya'll come across anything that works, let us know! Your template looks great! The evaluations line up nicely with your action steps. Great job!

  6. Good ideas and organization on your plan. I too liked the section we read about staff development being a waste of time. My plan is to talk to my principal and ask her about setting up purposeful staff development. I know we will have some with my plan, but I also would like to do some vertical alignment with some planning on our new teks and plans. That would be good for me and others too I believe. Keep us posted!
