Saturday, September 28, 2013

Update on Action Research Project

Action Research Project Title:  Professional Development:  Improving the Experience and Outcome

Number of AR Project Documented Hours:  15 hours

AR Project Summary (at least 250 words):

Like I mentioned before, I was able to identify and review literature that highlights key points of effective professional development.  I met with my campus administrators and we talked about our own perceptions of what constitutes effective professional development.  I emailed teachers explaining the purpose behind my action research and specified how they could provide their input.  I’ve also surveyed teacheras to assess their perceptions on our district’s current professional development policies and effectiveness on student achievement.  I was also able to form and meet with a focus group to get a clear picture of what teachers want out of their professional development and what they feel is lacking from several staff development they’ve attended.  Even though I’ve made all this progress in my action research project, I fear that I may have to change and start all over with a new topic.  Because of my busy schedule, I won’t be able to complete a big part of my action research which was observing and visiting with teachers, previously treained by me, on the implementation of specific curriculum.  I don’t know if I can still continue with my original plan without including that specific component.  One possibility that I see is surveying teachers again on the effectiveness of our district’s Language Arts Curriculum staff development that we attended this past summer, and using the STAAR Reading results for this school year to assess the impact on student achievement.  My only problem is that I won’t be able to see first hand how that curriculum is being implemented on a daily basis in the classroom since I don’t have the luxury of time to visit each classroom during my conference time.  Since I attended this workshop, I can also identify its strengths and weaknesses and compare it to key points in my literature review, but I don’t know if this will be enough to render accurate and valid results.  Another option I had was to totally change my topic.  This school year we are implementing PBIS, and one idea I had was to investigate the effectiveness of this program and if we saw a bigger impact in student discipline and achievement this year than our previous school year. 

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